I generally don't think most situations can be labeled as black or white.
Man in general, if reduced to himself, is too wicked to be free.
The generation that bought the most shoes and crippled the moral footing
We're generally overconfident in our opinions and our impressions and judgments.
The 'Instagram Generation' now experiences the present as an anticipated memory.
The belief is indeed important, but ignorance generated from it, no.
I have lots of friends. I mix with all sorts of people, of all generations.
It is time for the general fund to pay the Social Security fund back.
I generally wade in blind and trust to fate and instinct to see me through.
It's part of the general global hypnotism to accept lies as the new truth.
This truth must be recognized as a dogma and assume the validity of an axiom in the general understanding of painting.
The exact contrary of what is generally believed is often the truth.
General der Artillerie Helmuth Weidling: I am to be shot.
General Tadamichi Kuribayashi: You again?
General Tadamichi Kuribayashi: Everything happens in threes.
Roger Murtaugh: General McAlister. Time for you to die.
Wherever there is interest and power to do wrong, wrong will generally be done.
Everything is generated through your own will power.
The arts generally have had to recognize Modernism - how should poetry escape?
I think the world would be much poorer without religion, speaking generally.
Whatever the evolutionary basis of religion, the xenophobia it now generates is clearly maladaptive.