I'm from a generation of fantastic actresses. It's a big pool of really wonderful actresses, and so many of them we never even get to see on the screen anymore.
Whereas the melancholic exhibits a state of general inhibition, in the manic patient even normal inhibitions of the instincts are partly or wholly abolished.
If I am going to pick and choose the laws I defend, I wouldn't be doing my duty as attorney general.
If someone is lying to you, they'll generally look up to the top right. That means that they're trying to construct an image that doesn't exist.
The next generation has always been and will be better than the previous one. If it is not, then the world would not be moving forward.
I know if I were in your generation I would be really tired of seeing Sophia Loren as a sex object.
Burn the book. It serves you once. Read the book. Serves you for a lifetime. Lend the book. It serves for generations to come.
In general, if signs of sectarianism do appear in a Socialist Party, these are only the products of the absence of a broad Labour movement in the country.
You don't start to play your guitar thinking you're going to be running an organisation that will maybe generate millions.
We know that the next several generations need a better world to live in, which can only be a post-Obama World.
While some debate its helpfulness at generating monetizable traffic, when Digg points to a story, huge audience spikes quickly follow.
My wishes before I die, to fulfill my mission on earth; The writing of my life stories to inspired present and future generations.
Your story must told. Live a life legacy- written book or notes. This will be there for many generations to know your rich experiences and knowledge.
Generally, when it comes to covers, I try and add elements that may not take your immediate attention but really become important the more you look at them.
We've flown the president since Eisenhower, and we're going to continue to fly the president for generations to come. This is something we're very proud of.
Hardworking Americans are fighting every day to provide for themselves and their families, and leave a more prosperous country for the next generation.
Well, the big elephant in the whole system is the baby boomer generation that marches through like a herd of elephants. And we begin to retire in 2008.
My journey has been so full of struggle and I just want to be able to offer some help and some general ideas to people that really need it the most.
When I am generous, I enjoy blessings that far exceed whatever selfish pleasure I can grab for myself.
teaching process never comes to an end till the last breath-our generations keep on learning from experienced learner.
You can really help support a character if you understand the setting. So for that reason I generally write about Philadelphia.