I just love music in general. I've been a fan of all different kinds of music since I can remember.
I love lean meats like chicken, turkey. I'm obsessed with sushi and fish in general. I eat a lot of veggies and hummus.
I love 'Richard III,' but in terms of a general play, 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' has always been a big one for me. It's just so sexy.
The first reading of a Will, where a person dies worth anything considerable, generally affords a true test of the relations' love to the deceased.
Cage's Music of Changes was a further indication that the arts in general were beginning to consciously deal with the 'given' material and, to varying degrees, liberating them from the inherited, functional concepts of control.
I've always said that Adele has turned so many people on to British singers - whether female singers or just like music from this country in general.
I didn't really identify with the music of my own generation, but I was very curious about the music of others.
Friends are generally of the same sex, for when men and women agree, it is only in the conclusions; their reasons are always different.
In general, men are wired to notice obvious signs that convey interest in mating - a warm smile, for example - and ignore other subtleties, like if your lipstick is faded.
The fact is that I find more most men are more open, more generous, and much more stimulating than the majority of females I know.
Even in early adulthood, men can't be told what to wear; they can only be subtly moved by example, encouragement, and a generally sophisticated atmosphere.
They say that children become men, and men become children. Many generations have grown up, become men, and gone hence.
It's hard for a man to live with a successful woman - they seem to resent you so much. Very few men are generous enough to accept success in their women.
Now the reason the enlightened prince and the wise general conquer the enemy whenever they move and their achievements surpass those of ordinary men is foreknowledge.
You know, I started doing movies. I mean, my mind was brought into saying, 'You know what? I want to build a generation of wealth.'
General Garrison: Danny, you understand me? No one gets left behind!
General Garrison: This isn't Iraq, you know. Much more complicated than that.
General: You ever... just *know* something, Dr. Nash? Nash: Constantly.
No generous mind delights to oppress the weak, but rather to cherish and protect.
I'm just generally hugely frustrated, I'm a very, very frustrated man. I'm just a ball of pent-up frustration.
A lot of politicians, not surprisingly, hire consultants to help them with their nonverbals, presence, generally how they come across.