Medicare and Social Security have created the healthiest and most financially secure generation of senior citizens in American history.
We are dealing with the best-educated generation in history. But they've got a brain dressed up with nowhere to go.
Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.
Traditional marriage between a man and a woman has been a cornerstone of our society for generations. If we are going to change that, it ought to be done by the will of the people.
The automobile, both a cause and an effect of this decentralization, is ideally suited for our vast landscape and our generally confused and contrary commuting patterns.
My dad was an assembly line worker at AC Spark Plug, which was a division of General Motors, and his job was to build and then inspect the little spark plugs as they came off the line.
My constituents in Kansas know the death tax is a duplicative tax on small businesses and family farms that, in many cases, families have spent generations building.
I am probably the last of a generation able to gain an education in country music by osmosis, by sitting in a '64 Ford banging the buttons on the radio.
Women will only have true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation.
It is generally true that all that is required to make men unmindful of what they owe God for any blessing is that they should receive that blessing often and regularly.
It's always great playing with other musicians. It's also a great situation where I'm the older guy, I've influenced generations of guitar players.
Great authors are admirable in this respect: in every generation they make for disagreement. Through them we become aware of our differences.
I feel reviewers are tougher on comedies in general. They don't take them seriously, and the ones that get great reviews are not necessarily the ones that I like.
The great Jewish scientists and philosophers of the last few generations - Spinoza, Einstein, Freud, Robert Oppenheimer and others - were natives of Europe and America.
Kids in general make things fresh and alive and they have this great appreciation for, Holy mackerel, we're making a movie!
You find with the really great actors, the ones you really admire and look up to, very often they're very giving, generous, warm people.
I listen to Bach a great deal. In general I like to listen to hymns and liturgical music.
There's always some generational-guys-hanging-out movie that is made every few years, I think, and some of them are great.
At great, great remove sit the head of General Electric, the head of News Corp, the head of Viacom, or the head of this giant international corporation that wants these ratings.
I love Africa in general South Africa and West Africa, they are both great countries.
My father's people... are from Fairfax in northern Virginia, just across the Mason-Dixon line. So it was an honour to play Lee, he was a great general.