The enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution.
It therefore become essential for the future of Judaism itself that its advancement should be correlated with a similar effort to advance the cause of religion generally.
In the clashes between ignorance and intelligence, ignorance is generally the aggressor.
I find life so shocking in general. Everything about it surprises me.
I love animated movies in general. I like making them.
Not obsessed with particularly Nike, but sneakers in general. I love them.
I love dogs, horses and generally all animals.
Every generation is obsessed with the decade before they were born.
Where there is mystery, it is generally supposed there must be evil.
I'm a big fan of matching outfits in general.
In general, fashion is challenging. Everything from clothes to fragrances.
I've generally got low levels of embarrassment.
One of the things I want to do as an artist is to connect generations.
Where an opinion is general, it is usually correct.
Systems are to be appreciated by their general effects, and not by particular exceptions.
I'm a 10th-generation Texan. My ancestor - Andrew Kent - fought at the Alamo.
I have no problems or issues with screenwriting in general.
The Democrats generally recoil from the subject of entitlements.
The crew, like all Italian crews, was generous, warm, and enthusiastic.
Hypocrisy is not generally a social sin, but a virtue.
The nuclear generator of brain sludge is television.