While genes are pivotal in establishing some aspects of emotionality, experience plays a central role in turning genes on and off. DNA is not the heart’s destiny; the genetic lottery may determine the cards in your deck, but experience deals the ha...
Human beings are ultimately nothing but carriers-passageways- for genes. They ride us into the ground like racehorses from generation to generation. Genes don't think about what constitutes good or evil. They don't care whether we are happy or unhapp...
Whilst it may be our species greatest achievement, responsible for every technological advance we have or ever will make, science is also poop and sex and boogers.
I have good genes, and I also do lots of exercises.
Recovery begins from the darkest moment.
But if it is true that human minds are themselves to a very great degree the creations of memes, then we cannot sustain the polarity of vision we considered earlier; it cannot be "memes versus us," because earlier infestations of memes have already p...
And of course, identifying all human genes and proteins will have great medical significance.
More men die of jealousy than of cancer.
'The Ides of March' was a fairly cynical film.
I guess I'm just lucky with my genes.
Vincent: There's no gene for fate.
Talent is an accident of genes - and a responsibility.
Talent is an accident of genes, and a responsibility.
Well, that embarrassment gene, I don't really have a lot of it.
Gene Hackman is one of the great American actors of all time.
In westerns, you meet a hardy bunch of characters. There is no jealousy on such pictures.
Singing is my passion and I always wanted to travel the country.
I get up in the morning looking for an adventure.
If, as the dowager had said, we are nothing but gene carriers, why do so many of us have to lead such strangely shaped lives? Wouldn’t our genetic purpose—to transmit DNA—be served just as well if we lived simple lives, not bothering our heads ...
People mature with age and experience. I hope I more resemble a fine wine than bad vinegar.
Heritability pertains to the entirety of the genome, not to a single gene.