I get nervous watching teammates. I get nervous for them. Late in the game, pressure situation, I'm nervous for them.
Any player that says they don't want to go to an All-Star Game is lying to you. It's something everyone wants to be a part of.
The draft is a crapshoot, so I've been very fortunate to be drafted by the Yankees, and to have spent my whole career here.
Sometimes people complicate things by thinking too much about what someone might think of what they said or did.
I don't really see myself getting a Twitter account. Nothing against it. I get it. I especially get it for businesses.
I'm very antischedule. Except for board meetings, I don't really schedule things or keep a calendar. I think appointments are caustic to creativity.
I consider high-speed data transmission an invention that became a major innovation. It changed the way we all communicate.
We can't live any more in a world which is based on stuff and not ideas. If you want to live with the world of stuff, we're all doomed.
Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and other varieties have anthocyanins that can help reverse some loss of balance and memory associated with aging.
We take better care of the maintenance of our cars than we take care of the maintenance of our bodies.
I want entrepreneurs to be engineers and scientists and designers; they don't necessarily have to be Internet entrepreneurs or retail entrepreneurs.
The Web is fascinating and transformative, but it's an easy, flashy, get-rich-quick option to the hard graft of proper industry.
I have never been a social lion; I was misidentified as one because I have a very attractive second wife.
Every leader needs to clearly explain the top three things the organization is working on. If you can't, then you're not leading well.
You have to understand the separation between what exists in the print media and what exists in reality. It's important to never lose track of reality.
A remarkable thing about the Silicon Valley culture is that its status structure is so based on technical accomplishment and prowess.
It takes the same effort to think small than to think big. But to think big frees you from the insignificant details.
Mankind is not special by virtue of our address in the universe, or what spins around us, or because life originated here. Slowly, but surely, we've been compelled to renounce the comfort of these beliefs.
When your results are good, you are obviously going to have a lot of press. And when you start to falter a little bit, you are going to have some criticism, and there is nothing abnormal in that.
I like the world, but I feel very, very Italian. I love the small parts of my country: Tuscany, Capri in the winter. I don't like big towns.
I got bitten by the free software bug in February of 1998 around the time of the Mozilla announcement.