Create a website that expresses something about who you are that won't fit into the template available to you on a social networking site.
When you have a global mush, people lose their identity, they become pseudonyms, they have no investment and no consequence in what they do.
I always say, 'To have a big dream requires the same effort as having a small dream. Dream big!'
Employees are your most valuable assets. They are the heart and guts of a company. This doesn't mean that from time to time, you aren't going to do what is good for the company.
I'm proud to be associated with the value system at Berkshire Hathaway; I think you'll make more money in the end with good ethics than bad.
I was very short. Everybody else was two years older in my class, and I had curly hair and was teacher's pet.
I think what's really the most ideal thing is for the player themselves, within their own imagination, to carve out what they view as being the essence of the character.
Chuck Noland: If I'm here New Year's Eve, then I'm here. If I'm not, I'm not.
I don't spend any time at all thinking about my personal wealth. I suppose if I had nothing, I might think, 'I have nothing.'
Both in thought and in feeling, even though time be real, to realise the unimportance of time is the gate of wisdom.
When a company is facing a problem, it always takes a stance and takes a decision, but at the same time it wants to make sure of what it can learn from it, what enhancements it can make.
So many people are insanely busy nowadays, and it's easy to say, 'Ah, I'll workout tomorrow.' But you have to set aside a time and stick to that schedule.
When it was time for parent-teacher conferences, I remember that I was always embarrassed about what my parents would hear about me!
My biggest worry is I'm running out of time and energy. Thirty years ago I thought 10 years was a really long time.
21 years as CEO is a long time. I was and probably still am the longest serving CEO in America. Certainly I am in the media industry, bar none.
I always believe in doing new things and using new materials that I have never used or that I didn't like for a long time.
The only time I can't sleep is on a plane, when I am literally keeping it in the air with my brain.
Researchers who examined the voting records of wine judges found that 90 percent of the time they give inconsistent ratings to a particular wine when they judge it on multiple occasions.
When faced with something complex, spend the time to think about some structure, write down sentences, think about it some more, and then share it.
BlackBerry required tethering for some routine operations, and for many, the only way to integrate corporate mail was to keep a PC running all the time.
With the general availability of Windows 8/RT and Surface, I have decided it is time for me to take a step back from my responsibilities at Microsoft.