It is not according to my mode of doing things, to bring a suit against a man that I have the power in my own hands to punish.
When I got to the Mavericks people were all giving me advice - change this, change that - and one thing that I didn't do was fire anybody.
We cannot escape that Hollywood is in the middle of a wave of technological change. The current angst over all the implications of new entertainment technology is nothing new.
No matter how complicated a problem is, it usually can be reduced to a simple, comprehensible form which is often the best solution.
Best Buy is just too Western! They do not stock enough Chinese brands, and Chinese people do not want to buy foreign brands.
Best Buy went and hired a lot of Shanghai staff, but went and westernised them. They only work eight hours a day!
I'm terrified about the day that I enter the gates of heaven and God says to me, just a minute.
The iPhone will maybe become more of a video-conferencing experience - you pick up your phone, you answer it, you'll be talking to someone looking at their face.
What artists think about the world is often different from how we businessmen see it, and I find that an enriching experience.
A store is just a collection of content. The Steam store is this very safe, boring entertainment experience. Nobody says, 'I'm going to play the Steam store now.'
'Giving 2.0' frames giving as a learning experience and encourages everyone to make giving a part of your year-round life.
I need more raw experience. I've read and watched a lot of things, but I haven't done a lot of things.
Experience shows that the success of a programming course critically depends on the choice of these examples.
Nothing that has value, real value, has no cost. Not freedom, not food, not shelter, not healthcare.
People are hungry not because there aren't enough farmers or food, but because they don't have access to it or can't afford it.
Just as food eaten without appetite is a tedious nourishment, so does study without zeal damage the memory by not assimilating what it absorbs.
The physics of water is central to cooking, because food is mostly water. All steak that you cook is actually boiled on the inside.
In the free/libre software movement, we develop software that respects users' freedom, so we and you can escape from software that doesn't.
I definitely wanted to earn my freedom. But the primary motivation wasn't making money, but making an impact.
When the Internet first came, I thought it was just the beacon of freedom. People could communicate with anyone, anywhere, and nobody could stop it.
I fight, and have fought, for political freedom, for justice and for fairness and freedom of speech.