Civilization depends on our expanding ability to produce food efficiently, which has markedly accelerated thanks to science and technology.
Chefs think about what it's like to make food. Being a scientist in the kitchen is about asking why something works, and how it works.
Many of the things the slow food people honor were innovations within historical times. Somebody had to be the first European to eat a tomato.
I'm a very, very healthy eater. I eat lots of fish, lots of vegetables, lots of fruit. I don't eat junk food.
For a long time, I couldn't even afford food and clothing. I climbed from the very bottom of the society.
Enron and 9/11 marked the end of an era of individual freedom and the beginning of personal responsibility.
Value your freedom or you will lose it, teaches history. 'Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn.
The idea that I have to be on the same side of the fence as Dan Quayle is cruelly depressing to me, but the truth is, I believe in family values.
The only things that are really permanent are love, family, friendship, and that is a lesson. At the end of the day, that's really what it boils down to. The rest of it is just stuff.
I would say that Juventus is a myth not only in Italy, because it's the most loved team in Italy, but also around the world. And it has been in my family since birth.
Lots of small business men have been contacting me to say they wish they had the nerve to say what I said.
My father wasn't absolutely delighted. He wanted me to become a lawyer. I studied law, but I thought the shoe business was more exciting.
I've never been one who enjoys maintaining the status quo. I'm always pushing for new ideas, whether it's in business or philanthropy.
In the 1970s, Japan moved into the U.S. turf with its televisions, cars, chips, and steel. But if you think about it, the only business Japan destroyed was the U.S. television industry.
Whatever business you're in - it doesn't matter - it's going to commoditize over time. It's going to devalue. You've got to keep moving it to a higher value.
I have almost no interest in quarterly reports. Running a business or investing in a business based on quarterly earnings doesn't make any sense at all to me.
I'm not as interested in what you make as I am in what you're passionate about. What business are you really in?
When you're building a business or joining a company, you have to be transparent; you can't have two sets of information for two sets of people.
I never took classic business classes in college, so I don't have the background that any of the people running large companies have.
The work of the individual still remains the spark that moves mankind ahead even more than teamwork.
Growing up, around the dinner table my father and I didn't talk sports. We talked business.