this is where my heart is
I don't engage in hypotheticals.
If you're a terrorist, you're a terrorist.
It's not a bargain if it has bedbugs.
Imagination is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
If you want to be Happy,BE
Realize that everything connects to everything else.
The Rainbow is a promise
Good deeds are ambassadors from Heaven.
Ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin.
Avarice, the sphincter of the heart.
Delegating your accountabilities is abdication
Don't think it, ink it.
As journalists, we keep pushing and pushing.
I went into journalism to do journalism, not advertising.
I'm not a pundit. I'm not an analyst.
The cure for pain is in the pain.
Solutions are not the answer.
Tam nepietiek, kam ir par daudz.
Impatience is the thief of success.
I don't look at polls.