The essence of training is to allow error without consequence.
He had so much damn respect he wanted to scream.
A good commander, thought Ender, doesn't have to make stupid threats.
History tends to play games with the truth, but at least it does so with a flourish.
Never bet your money on another man's game.
There really is more to this world than meets the casual or untutored eye.
You can or you can't is not the matter.You wanted to or you tried is the whole game about.
Exploration is a dirty game.
Entrails. No hissing. This is the closest we will ever come to love.
You here to finish me off, Sweetheart?
Because when he sings...even the birds stop to listen.
As long as you can find yourself, you’ll never starve.
District 12: Where you can starve to death in safety.
I kind of picked up the game at an early age. The way that other kids would learn what a fork or a spoon is.
I still have my teeth. I don't want to lose them at age 61 in some hockey game.
Man, I hate to get depressing on you, but I don't have a game. I'm so alone, so depressed, so dark, no.
Justice is an affectation of perspective, not a universal value.
Nothing important is learned; it is simply remembered.
It is impossible to survive in a prolonged state of reality.
Art is a mind-game that we do to make our lives easier. If it isn't for that, it becomes superfluous.
my favorite urban flower, the baseball box score