They envy the distinction I have won; let them therefore, envy my toils, my honesty, and the methods by which I gained it.
As for the expected boon to the Mexican economy, we have seen none of these gains, and instead we have seen NAFTA's detrimental impact on the Mexican workers.
Whoever lives among many evils just as I, how can dying not be a source of gain?
To be wise: You take the knowledge you have gained and use it to script words together to benefit yourself and others.
It's not right to say that our loss in Vietnam turned out to be a gain. But lessons were learned. And they were the right lessons.
All that Mankind has done, thought, gained or been is lying as in magic preservation in the pages of Books. They are the chosen possession of men.
The world is indebted for all triumphs which have been gained by reason and humanity over error and oppression.
Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains.
Resignation is what kills people. Once they've rejected resignation, humans gain the privilege of making humanity their footpath.
The key to social engineering is influencing a person to do something that allows the hacker to gain access to information or your network.
The tenacious character I've possessed since I was a small child propelled me to successfully meet this challenge, and I was able to safely gain acceptance to the university of my choice.
An aggressor nation or extremist group could gain control of critical switches and derail passenger trains, or trains loaded with lethal chemicals.
Insofar as men gain time, ease, independence, or liberty from women's domestic labors, they lack incentive to change.
In the end, The treasure of life is missed by those who hold on and gained by those who let go.
At USC, if you're running back there, and you do gain you over 1,500 yards, people see you as a candidate, but not one of the top ones.
In the shimmering ignorance of illiteracy of compassion and faith the stoic desire of loving without temporal gains rules the hearts and minds in deeds and care
Dreams aren't only an illusion to put you into a subconsciously pleasurable state of mind for the time being, but also a pathway to gain complete contentment.
If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all.
When I grew up in France, I was a normal size. And then I came to the United States and I gained 20 pounds.
By sincerity, a man gains physical, mental and linguistic straightforwardness, and harmonious tendency; that is, congruence of speech and action.
I have lost my faith, but I gained the truth! It is not important at all to lose your candle as long as you find a torch!