There is no future, there is not past, I live this moment as my last, there's only this, forget regret, no other road, no other way, no day but today
Be careful whom you choose to love. This decision will impact your future life and happiness in ways you cannot yet imagine.
Your minds PERCEPTION of the past will change your future vision, and either prevent or propel forward progress in life.
What sort of future is coming up from behind I don't really know. But the past, spread out ahead, dominates everything in sight.
Leave a person alone who had a unpleasant past if you cant make his future a pleasant, you would do worse
When one was full of energy and enthusiasm the world was an apple, the future was way beyond the horizon and only the present was pertinent.
Those words make a mockery of our battle. Our fight showed me the power of the human will and the possibilities held by the future
Technology - with all its promise and potential - has gotten so far beyond human control that its threatening the future of humankind.
Who you are today is the outcome of the choices you have made in the past. Choices that you will make today, will shape your future.
Of this I am certain, that if we open a quarrel between the past and the present, we shall find that we have lost the future.
A time comes in the life of a man when all you do is reflect on retrospective actions and desire better outcomes in the future
It is time to browse through the precious books that have meant the most to you that you may rediscover illuminating phrases and sentences to light your pathway to the future...
We can strive to put the past behind us, serve God to the best of our ability now, and look ahead to the glorious future!
Forget the secrets of success, use Cosmic Ordering instead.
Time is priceless, Cosmic Ordering is limitless.
What might have been can be with Cosmic Ordering.
Time is a great teacher, but Cosmic Ordering is a great provider.
Cosmic Ordering is an ever full piggy bank.
Non-profit does not mean not for revenue.
Collaboratition: the art of working with our competitors.
If you want to continue to be the best in the world, then you have to train and compete like you are second best in the world.