It's not all silliness, as interactive SXSW is filled with aggressive learning, discussing, and a whole lot of futurizing.
Your frequent state of mind is where your future lies.
Any relationship that is solely built on lust absolutely has no long blissful future.
A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle between the future and the past.
The past doesn't EXIST. Neither is the future, so be present in the present. Just BE!
Growing Literacy of the Heart and Mind Cultivates the Landscape of a Child's Future.
Historians conquer the past, not the future. (Les historiens conquièrent - Le passé, non l'avenir)
Justice isn’t about fixing the past; it’s about healing the past's future.
Love harmony and peace everywhere. It is our hope for our great future.
Be the master of your own thoughts to control your future.
The knowledge that God is in control should give you confidence for the future.
Cooper: Once you're a parent, you're the ghost of your children's future.
George: Hindsight. It's like foresight without a future.
Biff Tannen: Say hi to your mom for me.
Marty McFly: This is heavy. Dr. Emmett Brown: Weight has nothing to do with it.
Lorraine Baines: I've never seen purple underwear before!
You should prepare for your future, you cant stop it from coming.
ESPN, is having the ability to foretell future outcomes in sports.
I am glad I will not be young in a future without wilderness.
The past, has been erased; the present, forgiven; and the future, redeemed.
Never make decisions you will live to regret later in the near future.