Failures Are The Cornerstones Of Success!
Impatience is the thief of success.
Error is the beginning of success
Don't be afraid of failure; be afraid of petty success.
Failure is unfortunately as common as success.
Every failure is a step to success.
I don't need government to be successful.
Nothing's funny about someone who's successful.
Entrepreneurs with disabilities are overwhelmingly successful.
Persistence is the pillar of success.
Money does not guarantee success.
There is little success where there is little laughter.
We all enjoyed the success of Rumours obviously.
Control success before it controls you.
Nothing is as seductive as the assurance of success.
There is no such thing as a permanent advertising success.
People fall forward to success.
Comedy can't be about continuous success.
Success tempts many to their ruin.
I'm not doing my work for constant success.
Positivity is such a high predicator of success rates.