You want to evaluate future borrowers, but in order to train an algorithm that will help you identify future defaults, you have to train it and evaluate it on past data.
In the ultimate analysis, all of us would have served Pakistan better if history and our future generations judge us positively.
The future is going to require really smart people. What we think are crises today probably will be no big deal, and we have no idea what will really be crises in the future.
The only thing that can save us as a species is seeing how we're not thinking about future generations in the way we live.
The future of the Republican Party, all the different folks looking to lead the Republican Party at the national level in the future, recognize we should do immigration reform.
The vast possibilities of our great future will become realities only if we make ourselves responsible for that future.
Today, the future of Venezuela won and, as we said, we repeat to everyone: there is a path, there is a path for progress, for the future, to make Venezuela a greater country.
Cambodia possesses now the rights to look far into the future and everything for making a future construction is waiting for the Cambodian own efforts.
While we can remember the past, we cannot write the future. Only our children, the future of our community, can do that.
Live in the moment, day by day, and don't stress about the future. People are so caught up in looking into the future, that they kind of lose what's in front of them.
Most dystopian, classic and contemporary, paints a future world that puts a twist on present society - a future world that could plausibly happen.
The most basic task of any museum must be the protection of works of cultural significance entrusted to its care for the edification and pleasure of future generations.
I joined the Safe Climate Caucus because I believe in leaving a safer planet for future generations.
G-Rock from the Westside, from Allen Temple. He gave my name, The Future; he was like, 'Man, you the future.' Just stuck with the name.
Don't gamble the future of your children and Malaysia; think and contemplate because your vote will determine not only the future of the country but also your grandchildren.
Aesthetically, we were enormously successful. Economically... there was no success. It was all about music of the future and unfortunately it was a band that didn't have any future.
Peter's Little Sister: I'm a princess. What are you? Logan: I'm the Wolverine.
Professor X: What's the last thing you remember? Logan: Drowning...
[from trailer] Raven: I know what I have to do. It's us, or them...
Bolivar Trask: Sentinels that transform. Can you imagine the possibilities?
Marty McFly: [gears up before going to 1885] Hi-ho, Silver!