You know, the market was down yesterday... my first thought when I heard-just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, Time to buy.
Marty McFly: Calvin? Wh... Why do you keep calling me Calvin? Lorraine Baines: Well, that is your name, isn't it? Calvin Klein? It's written all over your underwear.
Lorraine Baines: I think we need a rematch. George McFly: Oh, a rematch. Why? Were you cheating? Lorraine Baines: No. Good morning George McFly: Hello. [Marty collapses onto the floor]
Past and future monopolize the poet’s sensory and intellectual faculties, detached from the immediate spectacle. These two philtres become utterly clear the moment one stops being hypnotized by the cloudy precipitate constituted by the world of tod...
One of the big changes in politics has been because families, individuals, have felt worried, insecure... worried about the economy, worried about their jobs, worried about their kids' futures... actually the disconnect between the public and media d...
No amount of worrying can change the future. Go easy on yourself, for the outcome of all affairs is determined by God's decree. If something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come your way, but if it is yours by destiny, from you it cannot flee...
I must have missed the fine print disclaimer in my school textbooks while learning about the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution. It must have read: Warning – by learning this material it will make you a future enemy of the state.
Science fiction is the arena of the not-yet, and every science fiction story has this element of not-yet-ness usually a bit of technology or a scientific discovery that we don't know about in the real world of the present but that might be a possi...
I have more fear in me than I have faith, blood and soul. I fear the past and I fear the future and it makes my existence in the present moment violently fragile.
And sometimes both of them forgot that what they were undergoing amid the clink of cutlery and crockery was a mutual interview that might decide whether or not they would own a common set of those items some time in the whimsical future.
Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity. Do not misunderstand me danger ...
Wisdom in the man, patience in the wife, brings peace to the house and a happy life.
To enjoy life is worth so much more than it costs.
Life is a long journey with a heavy bag on its back.
Light of life. The power of life God is life.
My goal in life was to pursue the good life.
Chess is my life, but my life is not chess.
Life is a kind of struggle. Life is a sort of fight.
What is important in life is life, and not the result of life.
A busy life is an empty life.
My prayer life IS my life.