Futurists don't consider overpopulation one of the issues of the future. They consider it the issue of the future.
The American future is here, and there's great news: the future votes.
What is history? An echo of the past in the future; a reflex from the future on the past.
History was once the future, the future will create history.
Magneto: Charles, this might actually work.
Marty McFly: You're the doc, Doc.
Believe in your future and your future will believe in you
Every future is not far away.
You can be cautious about the future but not the past.
The thought came over me that never would one full and absolute moment, containing all the others, justify my life, that all of my instants would be provisional phases, annihilators of the past turned to face the future, and that beyond the episodic,...
Indeed, life is full of tests. You don’t know what they are, so you must treat everything in life with the same care you would bring to a test on which your future rests. I realize that the most important test of all, in my quest, and in every bird...
Mitch Montgomery had been dead for nearly nine months. Those well-meaning souls who’d offered advice after my fiancé’s murder had said that, in time, I would move on with my life. Right now, all I could fathom for my future was joining him.
I take up my own pen again - the pen of all my old unforgettable efforts and sacred struggles. To myself - today - I need say no more. Large and full and high the future still opens. It is now indeed that I may do the work of my life. And I will.
...[W]e should be mucking about all the time, because mucking about is enjoying life for its own sake, now, and not in preparation for an imaginary future. It's obvious that the mirth-filled man, the cheerful soul, the childish adult is the one who h...
I like marriage, family life and I wish to get married again. But opting out of an unhappy marriage was a duty toward myself & my future.
Naturally, everyone is expected to enter the future only once, but by the transport medium of dreams, great people enjoy the future twice! They pay a visit into the future by dreaming, and they relocate to settle in it by their purposeful actions!
The visions we offer our children shape the future. It _matters_ what those visions are. Often they become self-fulfilling prophecies. Dreams are maps.
MRS PEARCE. Mr Higgins: youre tempting the girl. It’s not right. She should think of the future. HIGGINS. At her age! Nonsense! Time enough to think of the future when you havnt any future to think of.
We hold the future still timidly, but perceive it for the first time as a function of our own action.
If I am elected President of these United States, I will work with all my energy and soul to restore that America, to lift our eyes to a better future. That future is our destiny. That future is out there. It is waiting for us. Our children deserve i...
Professor X: So many battles waged over the years... and yet, none like this. Are we destined to destroy each other, or can we change each other and unite? Is the future truly set?