If I write something set 60 years in the future, I am going to have to explain how humanity got there, and that's becoming quite a big job.
The stability and security of authoritarian regimes cannot create but terrorism and violence and destruction. Let us accept the choice of the people. Let us not pick and choose who we would like to rule their future.
We need to tell young people that America was built by men and women of all colors and that the future of this country is dependent on the participation of all of our citizens.
In Iroquois society, leaders are encouraged to remember seven generations in the past and consider seven generations in the future when making decisions that affect the people.
Not only is the statistical madness an assault on individuality, it's also one on temporality too. Statistics - even when accurate - are only an image of the past that can then be Photoshopped before being pasted on to the future.
Peace is what enables development and is critical in providing opportunities to young people. Efforts to preserve peace are absolutely vital in bringing prosperity and hope for the future.
My father used to tell me about how musicians don't have respect from people and he was afraid about my future.
The national unity government will need to implement a program that brings all Iraqis together, builds a happy future for the people of Iraq, and gets Iraq to stand on its own feet.
Stop worrying about where you are at the moment and start getting excited about what the future holds for you through consistent actions and faith.
The idea of never settling for less, surely doesn't suggest not acknowledging and celebrating every accomplished step that leads to where you desire to be in the future.
Always prepare yourself for a financial emergency, even when you don't see a possibility of a rainy day in your future.
The plans of your enemies against you mean absolutely nothing since God is already busy creating a great future for you.
No one has ever changed the outcomes of the future by constantly worrying about it. Therefore, your goal should be to always focus on the present and give it all that you have in you.
Your future self would surely thank your present self if you start to wisely invest your money now.
The future historian will rank as one of the heroes of the nineteenth century. {Stanton's opinion of the great }
Worry is blind, and cannot discern the future; but Jesus sees the end from the beginning.
TODAY is the PAST of your FUTURE. So, make TODAY count for the sake of your HISTORY. Use your words, time & choices wisely
I am a 21st century person who was accidentally launched in the 20th. I have a deep nostalgia for the future
Ego is the central figure of our personal history, based upon the past and looking into the future. Ego is the deepest dream of the Consciousness.
The medals of the dead heroes are the coins for the future. (Les médailles des héros morts - Sont les pièces pour l'avenir.)
Any system which allows men to choose their own future will end by choosing safety and mediocrity, and in such a Reality the stars are out of reach.