Being mean just for being mean's sake isn't funny.
If you tell the truth about how you're feeling, it becomes funny.
There's also a certain rhythm to the way Jews talk that might be funny.
It's funny how human beings are so entertained by crimes.
My mum taught me always to see the funny side of things.
At school I was very shy. I wasn't funny really.
I've always found it easier to be funny than to be serious.
You can't be funny if you don't have good material.
I like girls who are funny with a warped sense of humor.
I like all Jim Carrey films. They're really funny.
John Ford was so funny that I couldn't wait to go to work in the morning.
The word 'Spanx' was funny. It made people laugh. No one ever forgot it.
People don't realize that I'm really funny and I'm an excellent bridge player.
It's a funny habit to write encyclopedia entries. It's not a mass taste.
It's funny how you call me a celebrity. Oh man.
As soon as I realized you could be funny as a job, that was the job I wanted.
Most of my ideas just come out funny.
It's funny - if you impersonate somebody, they have no idea it's them.
I try to play serious scenes a little funny and the comedy a little serious.
Mr. Chow: It's funny because he's fat!
Our willingness to write truthfully brings the story to life.