To be really great, you need to be naturally funny in order to stand out. But you can work at it, and find the best vehicle that you have to communicate what you're saying to people.
Working on 'Parks' was like heaven because everyone there was just intimidatingly intelligent and funny, and we would have these hilarious debates about really tangential things. It was inspiring because I felt really challenged to be my best.
You can be funny and say what you mean; these ideas are not mutually exclusive. Some of the best jokes came from people who meant it. See: Pryor, Bruce, Carlin, etc.
I know what's funny, and I probably know the best way to deliver the joke. Whether it's walking out of a room, facing that way, facing this way. I just have a sense of that.
We've finally told the world that this is sports entertainment, and I think one of the best forms of entertainment is anything that's fun or funny, something that you really enjoy watching or listening to.
A funny thing about women and machines: the combination made men curious. They seemed to think it had something to do with them.
I know the path by heart, by heart- a funny expression, so true. My heart knows right where to go.
It really seems to me that in the midst of great tragedy, there is always the horrible possibility that something terribly funny will happen.
It’s funny, for all it took was a broken heart and that alone was enough, enough for her to do everything she ever dreamed of.
My self-confidence can be measured out in teaspoons mixed into my poetry, and it still always tastes funny in my mouth.
I find it kind of funny. I find it kind of sad. The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.
I am really terrible when it comes to guys. Inside, I just see myself as this overweight tomboy with funny-coloured hair and bad skin.
I feel there's a funny little hole in me that wasn't there before, like a splinter in your finger, but this is somewhere above my stomach.
Ares sighed "What are the three words said most often in our house?" Than offered. "Funny," Ares growled. "Cara never says that.
easily we make fun of any institution,while forget its need courage to digest those funny words sitting on that chair.
I think that the habit of gloomy poetry is very funny. It’s like a special competition in losing.
Don't plead with anyone if you were not at fault, you'll only look inferior, stupid and funny, bolster your ego by doing the undoing.
You know you’ve reached the end of a relationship: when your lover now demands that your jokes be funny before they laugh.
I think the best comedic actors don't play it for comedy, they play it for reality. Then you find it funny because it's real. Playing the genre is the worst thing you can do - it's embarrassing.
I have this horrible sense of humor where I think discomfort is funny - partly because I experience discomfort a lot, and it's a way of laughing at it and getting a release.
I'm obsessive about the kind of melodrama of getting through the days and trying to make them good and funny and a happy experience. But my feeling towards the fans is that they delivered me from darkness.