Age is a funny thing. So are appearances. Neither is relevant to what one knows, in my opinion.
The Cloudstone KeyThe funny thing about destiny is that you can't predict it, and you can't prevent it. - Leslie
Getting What You WantAnd I could have died right then. And considering how things went, I really should have.
It's Kind of a Funny Story(...) Since I was a kid." "Which you refer to as 'back when you were happy.'" "Right.
It's Kind of a Funny StorySmiles are a funny thing and laughter is hilarious. I smile sometimes when I am delirious.
Swan WreckFunny thing- Morgenstern's folk's were named Max and Valerie and his father was a doctor.
The Princess BrideFrom there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish