For more than forty years, the United States Congress has shamelessly used payroll taxes intended for Social Security to fund big government spending.
Many hedge fund managers have become billionaires; perhaps this - plus their reputations as the smartest guys in the room - is why they have captured the investing public's imagination.
Shortly after my dad died, my mom figured that if I could do a few commercials, I'd get a college fund.
I intend to leave after my death a large fund for the promotion of the peace idea, but I am skeptical as to its results.
I am opposed to the use of public funds for private education.
Those outside of autism need to understand this is an epidemic and we need more government funding, insurance coverage and education reform.
I believe the American people are entitled to some straight talk when it comes to higher education funding.
You just don't get funding to go out and find God. Even if you did, you'd have to first define what you mean by 'God.'
I don't think that a mutual fund that invests exclusively in biotech start-ups or invests exclusively in companies in Thailand offers any great safety or diversification.
We need to get rid of the 16th amendment, and return to the original system that funds government with a variety of tariffs and duties.
Our nation has kept faith with its veterans. Funding for veterans healthcare and benefits is strong, and has increased more than 75 percent in the last decade.
The Lean Startup has evolved into a movement that is having a significant impact on how companies are built, funded and scaled.
There's accountability in the mutual fund industry. And they've been tremendous engines of wealth for people and they're going to continue to be so.
Bonds as an asset class will always be needed, and not just by insurance companies and pension funds but by aging boomers.
Well British pension funds have not been investing the savings of British people in British infrastructure.
It makes no difference how low tuition is if the student has no source of funds to pay that tuition.
A great irony is that the quest for secular immortality is being funded by foundations and individuals who seem to hate life
As more government functions are privatized, we find political leaders defunding the public school system, shifting government funds to the private, for-profit school industry.
Bridges and roads take years to build, but too often, states and communities haven't known if funding will be there for them more than a few months at a time.
The ability to select stocks, manage them over time and know when to sell them is incredibly difficult, even for professional fund managers.
On balance, after weighing the arguments, I believe that the time has come for Australia to create a new sovereign wealth fund.