Alcohol does not a change a person’s fundamental value system. People’s personalities when intoxicated, even though somewhat altered, still bear some relationship to who they are when sober. When you are drunk you may behave in ways that are sill...
A tramp, therefore, is a celibate from the moment when he takes to the road. He is absolutely without hope of getting a wife, a mistress, or any kind of woman except — very rarely, when he can raise a few shillings — a prostitute. It is obvious w...
There is a folk-tale about a shoemaker and his wife who were so poor that they had to send their many children out into the world to make a living. The lads went through many a perilous adventure but came home in the end, unscathed, to help their mot...
The child (mis)recognizes itself as a whole entity for the first time. It sees an image of itself as a unified person, an image which promises for the child that it will soon achieve full co-ordination of its body. The incoherent ‘hommelette’ see...
Siddhartha wants liberation, Dante wants Beatrice, Frodo wants to get to Mount Doom—we all want something. Quest is elemental to the human experience. All road narratives are to some extent built on quest. If you’re a woman, though, this fundamen...
In Paris, everything was fixable for the right price.
If you're not in the mood, you can't do that stuff right.
Who you are is always right.
What is reasonable is real; that which is real is reasonable.
This is a classic story of the friendship between humans and cats. Yes. I got in a lie right from the start!
Government is the right disposition of things.
A pod in the Matrix is looking pretty good right now.
How can something so wrong feel so right?
Even a clock that's broken is right twice a day.
The truth, in the right hands, can be a very flexible tool.
Right on the edge of fear was where trust could grow.
If I were a Palestinian of the right age, I'd eventually join one of the terrorist organizations.
In this day and age, much of journalism is about right or left, conservative or liberal, and 'The Observer' is just that: an observer. It is about truth.
I tried acupuncture, the patch, and hypnosis, but found that I needed to do it alone - when the time was right for me.
In any great organization it is far, far safer to be wrong with the majority than to be right alone.
It is amazing what people feel they have the right to tell you to your face when you're famous.