[M]any people believe that memory works like a recording device. You just record the information, then you call it up and play it back when you want to answer questions or identify images. But decades of work in psychology has shown that this just is...
L'humanité sera condamnée le jour où les humains n'auront plus envie de se surpasser. Aussi, vous tous qui m'écoutez, posez-vous cette question : « Mais au fait, qu'est-ce qui me donne envie de me lever le matin pour entreprendre des choses ? Qu...
In the wake of prevalent child rape and child abuse cases reported and unreported; Infliction of “Death Penalty” for child rape irrespective of the degree of offence or homicide , and rigorous penalty for child molestation, would serve as an exce...
Too many people think that when a couple doesn’t fight that they are strong, but I have never bought that. The question should never be “do you fight,” but “can you fight,” because fights happen, that’s just the way it is. What’s import...
Human stories are practically always about one thing, really, aren't they? Death. The inevitability of death. . . . . . (quoting an obituary) 'There is no such thing as a natural death. Nothing that ever happens to man is natural, since his presence ...
Now, as it happens, theology is actually a pitilessly demanding discipline concerning an immense, profoundly sophisticated legacy of hermeneutics, dialectics, and logic; it deals in minute detail with a vast variety of concrete historical data; over ...
Goodness preaches constantly, wants to change humanity, to work miracles from one day to the next, makes a show of its substance, wants to question essentials, but in fact is most often just hollow, lacking in substance, essence itself. A good word w...
You are not what you have done, but what you have overcome. All the hardships, the mistakes, the rejections, the pain and all the times you questioned why have given birth to the wisdom and strength that will help you shine your light on the world, e...
[on the pronunciation of "phlegm"] Brian Roberts: P H is always pronounced as F, and, uh, you don't sound the G. Natalia Landauer: Then why are they putting the G, please? Brian Roberts: That's, that's a very good question, but rather difficult to ex...
Harry Callahan: Uh uh. I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would bl...
Gonzales: There is one question, Inspector Callahan: Why do they call you "Dirty Harry"? De Georgio: Ah that's one thing about our Harry, doesn't play any favorites! Harry hates everybody: Limeys, Micks, Hebes, Fat Dagos, Niggers, Honkies, Chinks, yo...
[last lines] Mallinson: There's no question of Her Majesty's Government ever conceding the fact that this Jackal was an Englishman. So far as one can see, there was a period when an Englishman came under suspicion, but he has now been cleared. Certai...
Don Miguel Rojo: That's the right idea? You didn't misunderstand? Joe: I get the wrong idea only when it suits me. Ramon Rojo: You are well informed, eh? Joe: A man's life in these parts often depends on a mere scrap of information. Your brother's ow...
Tevye: And in the circle of our little village, We've always had our special types. For instance, Yente the matchmaker, Reb Nachum the beggar... And most important of all, our beloved Rabbi. Leibesh: Rabbi! May I ask you a question? Rabbi: Certainly,...
Bill: I killed the last honorable man, 15 years ago. Since then it's... You seen his portrait downstairs? Amsterdam Vallon: Mm-hmm. Bill: 'S your mouth all glued-up with cunny juice? I asked you a question! Amsterdam Vallon: [angrily] I said I *seen*...
Hamlet: Now mother, what's the matter? Gertrude: Hamlet, thou hast thy father much offended. Hamlet: Mother, you have *my* father much offended. Gertrude: Come, come, you answer with an idle tongue. Hamlet: Go, go, you question with a wicked tongue! ...
T.V. Director: Now, look. If you think I'm unsuitable, let's have it out in the open. I can't stand these backstage politics. John: Aren't you tending to black-and-white the situation somewhat? T.V. Director: Well, quite honestly, I wasn't expecting ...
Lowell Bergman: In all that time, Mike, did you ever get out a plane, walk into a room and find that a source for a story changed his mind? Lost his heart? Walked out on us? Not one fucking time. You want to know why? Mike Wallace: I see a rhetorical...
Elle Driver: [to Budd, as he is dying] Now in these last agonizing minutes of life you have left, let me answer the question you asked earlier more thoroughly. Right at this moment, the biggest "R" I feel is Regret. Regret that maybe the greatest war...
Francis: We're gettin' in through the underground heating system here, up through into the main audience chamber here, and Pilate's wife's bedroom is here. Having grabbed his wife, we inform Pilate that she is in our custody and forthwith issue our d...
Frodo: [listening to the shrieks of the Black Riders] What are they? Aragorn: They were once Men. Great kings of Men. Then Sauron the Deceiver gave to them nine rings of power. Blinded by their greed, they took them without question, one by one falli...