I think a power to do something is of value. Whether the result is a good thing or a bad thing depends on how it is used, but the power is a value.
Why is it that showers and even storms seem to come by chance, so that many people think it quite natural to pray for rain or fine weather, though they would consider it ridiculous to ask for an eclipse by prayer?
Yeah, I toss trash out of my car onto the road. But I do it for the good of the economy, because by littering I’m literally creating jobs for garbage collection agencies.
The conversation was one-sided. She was doing all the talking, and every time I opened my mouth it wasn’t to reply—it was to yawn.
Si tú me dices ven, lo dejo todo, pero dime ven...
Share your story with someone. You never know how one sentence of your life story could inspire someone to rewrite their own.
Watch a movie that makes you laugh or listen to a song that makes you cry. Embrace your emotions and be proud of what you feel.
We have little choice but to move beyond quality and seek remarkable, connected, and new. Remarkable, as you've already figured out, demands initiative.
But kids don't stay with you if you do it right. It's the one job where, the better you are, the more surely you won't be needed in the long run.
The citizens of Ludania would finally be free, no longer forced into a class system that determined what language they could speak, what jobs they could do, or who they could be
It should never be your job to pick up the pieces of a broken man or to housebreak one. There are far better things you can do with your time.
Any damn fool can beg up some kind of job; it takes a wise man to make it without working.
It's like she thinks my job is to please her, and that should be my dearest wish, and when I don't please her - I get shut out.
The business we're in is more sociological than technological, more dependent on workers' abilities to communicate with each other than their abilities to communicate with machines.
I told you; I am Arianna, the Siren, your Guardian, and how is a Guardian supposed to do her job if she is clueless about the Guardianee?
Did you let him know that if he can't see fit to return your blow job immediately, you will have no choice but to sue?
How much change can a person absorb before everything loses meaning Living for its own sake isn't life. People need meaning as much as they need air.
They call me Domino for obvious reasons. One nudge in the right direction and I'm flat on my stomach.
It’s not gay to jack off, so how could it be gay to give your clone a handjob? If anything, it’s on-the-job training for a political career.
I don’t have a blue-collar job. It’s more of a green collar, because of all the yellow sweat stains mixing in.
Leaders lead when they take positions, when they connect with their tribes, and when they help the tribe connect to itself.