13 million Indians will join the workforce every year from now till 2030. They know their prospects aren’t good. Here’s why: in the years from 1972 to 1983—not celebrated as a time of overwhelming prosperity—the total number of jobs in the ec...
The man she despised had his job back. Her job. Damn it to hell. She’d never be able to live with him now.
Jobs are a centuries-old concept created during the Industrial Revolution. Despite the reality that we're now deep in the Information Age, many people are studying for, or working at, or clinging to the Industrial Age idea of a safe, secure job.
At an early age, I started my own paper route. Once I saw how you could service people and do a good job and get paid for it, I just wanted to be the best I could be in whatever I did.
After you leave a show - any show, but for me especially after 'Breaking Bad' - you hope for a job to help soften the blow now that you don't have this amazing job anymore, and you hope that it's good.
She knew breaking up with Ethan was going to be a full-time job because being in a relationship with him had also been a full-time job.
That should give him time for another wank. It was a good job masturbating didn’t make you go blind.
...on the job there was nothing but the job. You left the shit outside the door. You could always pick it up on your way back out.
There is greatness in everyone already. The job of the leader is not to put greatness in anyone. The job of the leader is to make people discover and exploit the greatness already existing in them!
Terminus sniffed. “I guard borders. I don’t kill giants. It’s not in my job description.
In my new job, I have big shoes to fill. My predecessor was a midget.
The job of taste was to thin the insane torrent of human creativity down to manageable levels. But the job of appetite was never to be happy with taste.
There's no dignity, no decency, or health today for men that haven't got a job. All other things depend on work today.
Best results are often achieved well before you need a job, by consistently networking so that when you find yourself job-hunting you have a large network to work with.
Listen, I think what's best for the economy and to create jobs is to extend all of the current tax rates - for all Americans. It - it begins to reduce the uncertainty. And for small businesspeople, they can look up and begin to plan.
In preseason camp, there are no friends. when newcomers arrive trying to take not only your job, but maybe your best friend's job, you work together to try to help each other. Everyone is an outsider until you're given a uniform.
Many people have serious academic degrees but cannot find a job, and sadly their degrees are so limited that they cannot even think about how to create a job for themselves.
I always know I'm going to lose my job. It's either going to be canceled next week or next year or nine years from now, but I always know my job is going to go.
She tries to get a waitressing job for a while - I mean, she's looking for a while before she finds Coyote Ugly - and it's hard to get a waitressing job in the city.
Simply put, ObamaCare cost Americans jobs through uncertainty and now implementation threatens even more jobs. No wonder the majority of Americans continue to oppose it.
I think we live a culture that's obsessed with people, you know, 'Celebrities are just like us!' Everything I do except my job is critically analyzed online.