[shortly after Mr. Frying Pan makes an obscure "Ike, Mike, and Mustard" reference] Mr. Frying Pan: You wanna know who we are? I'm the frying pan, see? And my boy over here, he's... Mr. Fire: Mustard. I'm Mustard, baby. Mr. Frying Pan: He's the fire. ...
Fry the chapati when the pan is hot.
Wine can be a better teacher than ink, and banter is often better than books
Ninny Threadgoode: That frying pan did more than fry chicken that night.
Mr. Frying Pan: Well now, here we all are. Ike, Mike and Mustard. Harry: What the hell does that mean? Mr. Fire: You know, I'm with him on this one man, that's pretty fuckin' obscure. Mr. Frying Pan: Horseshit, I hear that all the time. Mr. Fire: You...
Those who rule the world get so little opportunity to run about and laugh and play in it.
Thos who rule the world get so little opportunity to run about and laugh and play in it.
Simone: I did it when I was a freshman, and you'll do it when you're seniors. but you're doing great. Now fry like bacon, you little freshman piggies. Fry!
Rapunzel: Too weak to handle myself out there, huh, Mother? [starts twirling frying pan] Rapunzel: Well... [laughs] Rapunzel: ...tell that to my frying pa... [accidentally hits herself with pan]
The Guti were a band of mountain barbarians. It's always the way, isn't it? Everything is blamed on 'the barbarians
I didn't know you could fry toast," I remarked, to which Kev replied that there wasn't a food he was aware of that couldn't be improved by frying.
there is no reason why anyone should understand how it works… and of course no reason why anyone should care … unless you are curious, in which case I love you, for curiosity about the world and all its corners is a beautiful thing.
Camp is always all business.
lectures broke into one's day and were clearly a terrible waste of time, necessary no doubt if you were reading law or medicine or some other vocational subject, but in the case of English, the natural thing to do was talk a lot, listen to music, dri...
No subject is unsuitable for comedy.
Black beauty - he's a dark horse.
I think people respect honesty rather than hiding it.
The infomercial business has been good to me.
Frank liked administrative work and was good at it.
Chris Rock is a very funny man.
Sexual harassment at work... is it a problem for the self-employed?