Fish must swim three times: once in the water, a second time in the sauce, and a third time in wine in the stomach.
I have a hard time with free time.
In 5 billion years, the expansion of the universe will have progressed to the point where all other galaxies will have receded beyond detection. Indeed, they will be receding faster than the speed of light, so detection will be impossible. Future civ...
Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future And time future contained in time past.
No one can possibly know what is about to happen: it is happening, each time, for the first time, for the only time.
I learned everything about fashion during my time at the 'NY Times.'
The first conversation began awkwardly, although Espinoza had been expecting Pelletier's call, as if both men found it difficult to say what sooner or later the would have to say. The first twenty minutes were tragic in tone, with the word fate used ...
In that face, deformed by hatred of philosophy, I saw for the first time the portrait of the Antichrist, who does not come from the tribe of Judas, as his heralds have it, or from a far country. The Antichrist can be born from piety itself, from exce...
We forget even incense in easy times; come hard times, we embrace the Buddha's feet.
From the beginning, from the age of Adam to the time of kingship: from the powerful, pardon: from the poor, sins.
To be a fool at the right time is an art.
You have to give time some time.
Time spent laughing is time spent with the Gods.
I'm a full-time mom right now and a part-time actress.
My first clue time travel could be possible was in the barber's chair the day before my girlfriend's funeral.
We benefit from doing nothing, from going out to play, from giving from the heart and spending time in nature. Most of all we benefit from having healthy, strong, and loving relationships with other people and from exercising the altruistic parts of ...
Fish held the silence for so long that I had to restrain myself from prodding her. That's never a good idea. Sometimes people hesitate because they don't have the courage to come out with whatever needs to be said; other times they desperately want t...
Divine worship means the same thing where time is concerned, as the temple where space is concerned. "Temple" means... that a particular piece of ground is specially reserved, and marked off from the remainder of the land which is used either for agr...
Impatience is a particularly dangerous habit of the heart because everything worthwhile takes time. Good marriages take time. Spiritual maturity takes time. Financial stability takes time. Effective ministry takes time. Wisdom takes time. People who ...
There will be time, there will be time To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet; There will be time to murder and create, And time for all the works and days of hands That lift and drop a question on your plate; Time for you and time for me,...
There are going to be good times and bad times, but lighten up.