I was suffering from a peculiar and persistent sense that I was being pursued, and also the conviction that under the political order of the times, our lives had no meaning.
Most info-Web-media-newspaper types have a hard time swallowing the idea that knowledge is reached (mostly) by removing junk from peoples heads
Regarding comments attributed to me in the Los Angeles Times - allegedly made on a bus trip from Germany to Holland in 1998 - I emphatically denounce such comments as false.
I have 17 full-time archivists working for me who put away in books all the diversity of artwork I do, from drawing to etching to monotypes to prints to lithographs.
The mosquitos were gone from the porch, and surely when they abandoned the conflict the war with Time was really done, there was nothing for it but that humans also forsake the battleground.
A retreat from someone or something isn't unusual. Just as how you edge closer to see better, at times you may need to take a step back to get a clearer view.
The law established by the Creator, which has existed from the beginning, extends over the whole globe, is everywhere and at all times binding upon mankind.
We live in times of high stress. Messages that are simple, messages that are inspiring, messages that are life-affirming, are a welcome break from our real lives.
Coal research and development provides huge benefits for the nation, and pay for itself many times over through taxes flowing back to the Treasury from expanded economic activity.
God always visit two times in our life first on our birth he is the one who take out from mother's womb second to take back home.
It's a sad day when you find out that it's not accident or time or fortune, but just yourself that kept things from you.
Every technology will alienate you from some part of your life. That is its job. Your job is to notice. First notice the difference. And then, every time, choose.
Next time I tell you someone from Texas should not be president of the United States, please pay attention." [ , The Nation, June 18, 2001]
Sometimes you have to love people from a distance and give them the space and time to get their minds right before you let them back into your life.
Everything I have learned has not come from books, it has come experientially over time under pressure walking with Christ". ~ R. Alan Woods [2012]
The first time you see something that you have never seen before, you almost always know right away if you should eat it or run away from it.
I thought that strange syntax was the language of story books. I didn't realize those were poor translations... English from Edwardian times.
The kiss grew into so much more than anything that had come before, unfettered by a time that strived to contain passion, born from perceived loss and glorious gain.
There isn't a dearth of it, but I will confess that it's harder for me to find songs on which I'm willing to invest anything from ten to fifteen hours writing an arrangement than it was in times past.
The students lurked on the edges of their teachers' lives for years, and brought bulletins from their own lives, which over time began to include lovers, ambitions, an upward trajectory.
It's very strange that WE always wish to listen good for ourselves from others, but at the same time becomes tough for us to speak good for OTHERS.