{ } is dead. The brave soldier, the unswerving patriot, the true friend, and the distinguished colonel of the old regiment of which we have the honor to be a remanent, sleeps his last sleep. . The world honors him as the prince of orators in his gene...
This is going to seem bitter but I don't mean it that way, V., I'm just stating a fact here: you'll only ever call me if I call you first. Have you noticed that? If I call and leave a message you'll call me back, but you will never call me first. And...
Mom is my best friend not because she is my mom, but because- She is the one who understand me without my saying, She is the one who can read my eyes, she is the one who can read my painful heart, She is the one who can give love without any return, ...
If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone.
Having lots of siblings is like having built-in best friends.
Times are hard and friends are few.
You have to be the parent; you can't be their friend.
Friends are forever but life is full of disapointments
A lot of my friends inspire my style, and they don't even know it.
I'm straight and I have a lot of gay friends.
I'm an angel compared to some of my friends.
I really only have a few friends.
Friends accept you the way you are.
Chaos is a friend of mine.
Chance makes our parents, but choice makes our friends.
A lot of Jews are great friends of mine.
He that ceaseth to be a friend never was a good one.
To be a friend means that they are always there, for the good or the bad.
I have a lot of friends that are ex-Miss Alabamas and ex-Miss Georgias.
If you are a guild, take care of your friends. That is all I have to say.