Underground, the stars are legend.
Languages are not strangers to on another.
Don't be a fool for the Devil, darling.
Ja draugi ir visi, vai tie ir īsti draugi?
You are human and fallible.
Silence is so freaking load
All in all, death is something like marriage.
All dreams continue in the beyond.
I'm not well read, but when I do read, I read well.
Mi-ai otrăvit sângele şi nu mai pot trăi fără otrava ta.
A good conscience is eight parts of courage.
I hate traveling with amateurs.
Anything that can be dreamed is true.
Circumstances are the rulers of the weak; they are but the instruments of the wise.
Sometimes isolation can be shared.
The mimicry of passion is the most intolerable of all poses.
Art was the very antithesis of crass moralism.
Secrets...are the very root of cool.
the golden eternity is { }
Sometimes home is a person.
Who are the real monsters?