Your brain is triggered to produce.
You are you. Now, isn't that pleasant?
Be awesome! Be a book nut!
Pretending that we live doesn't make us alive.
I was the only guy with any bit of anarchy left.
I actually wanted to be a drummer, but I didn't have any drums.
I don't think gender is aesthetically defining for me.
I guess my husband is a muse as well.
sleeping beauty/ trips me with a frown
What is nothing to you, can be love to me
Tel Aviv appeals to me.
If there be no enemy there's no fight. If no fight, no victory and if no victory there is no crown.
Not what I have, but what I do is my kingdom.
With a sequel, you always worry for its integrity.
I don't really watch TV.
Anyone can be tolerant of those who are tolerant.
I was a very confident little kid.
I don't want to be somebody else.
No plan survives contact with the enemy.
The paths of glory lead but to the grave.
Faults are beauties in a lover's eye.