Everybody’s got something weird about them.
Everything in excess Is opposed by nature.
It's hard to judge literary merit.
It's only the giving that makes you what you are.
I used to stand in front of the mic and cry.
There is a kind of mysticism to writing.
There is no aphrodisiac like innocence.
I'm a big fan of country.
I'm kind of an idea guy.
Tightness gets in the way of everything, except tightness.
I've already created my own thing.
I made a statement all my own.
A tune has to resonate with whatever is happening around it.
You're certain to get a decision in a trial.
You light the Spark in my Bonfire Heart.
I was in Germany when the wall came down.
Hoboken is a neat place.
A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
A value is valuable when the value of value is valuable to oneself.
He's as nutty as a vegan T-bone.
Loudspeakers should be made to be destroyed and... disposable.