Losers are not necessary in this world.
I like being organized and super particular.
Nostalgia is always doomed and dooming.
Spiritual matters should be private.
One of my friends is Snake from Skid Row.
Writing is an antidote for loneliness.
I'm sorry I can't speak very coherently.
Was I asleep? Had I slept?
It is not living that matters, but living rightly.
Impossibility is a dictionary word.
Don't believe everything you see on VH1.
I'm not comfortable around cameras.
The bottom line was that I was in an abusive relationship.
To find yourself, think for yourself.
You call that a kiss?
The real rain dance is when the rain dances.
History is conjecture raised to the level of an art.
Truth is an outlaw in every country.
The world is real; philosophy is the illusion.
If you copy then it is not self-expression.
The casual listener won't be around forever.