War is a perversion of sex.
War is devastating, and it leaves its scars for generations.
War is the trade of Kings.
War is a defeat for humanity.
Quickness is the essence of the war.
It's very hard to know what wisdom is.
The most certain sign of wisdom is cheerfulness.
Turn your wounds into wisdom.
Quick decisions are unsafe decisions.
The sweetest of all sounds is praise.
Aşık seven kişi değildir; aslında o sevdiği kişinin mutlak sahibi olmayı amaçlar. Bütün isteği tüm dünyayı o değerli malından soyutlamaktır. Altınları başında nöbet tutan ejderha kadar alçak ruhludur. Dünyayı falan sevmez, t...
Nowadays it is seen as a shame, to marry a girl who is a mother, who has never been married. I want to get rid of that prejudice.
Absolutes are Coercion. Change is absolute.
Karma can be a beautiful maiden or a bitch...
In the privacy of my dreams, I'm a warrior.
Human bodies are such garbage bags.
As individuals express their life, so they are.
Saintliness is also a temptation.
Love has no age, no limit; and no death.
Man arrives as a novice at each age of his life.
To Follow by faith alone is to follow blindly.