Left wing, chicken wing, it don't make no difference to me.
If I didn't start painting, I would have raised chickens.
I was not so comfortable with my new authority that I could say 'We eat the chicken now!' but the magus had seen that I was considering it... "My purse is full enough," said the magus, "to keep you supplied with roast chickens." "So, so, so," I said....
Terrible accident; body parts was everywhere—-fingers, toes, wings, beaks. Ambulance people tried to scoop him all up, but apparently it ain’t so easy as you might think—telling a chicken from a Chinaman, I mean. Anyways, they got his weight of...
[Frodo and Sam are lowering themselvs down a cliff] Sam: Can you see the bottom? Frodo: No. Don't look down, Sam, just keep going! Sam: [drops a small box] Ouagh! Catch It! Grab it, Mr. Frodo! [Frodo catches it, loses his grip and then lands on the g...
It would be hilariously tragic if I avoided the rabids, avoided the sun, only to be fried to a crisp on a damn electric fence because I was too impatient.
I wonder how many people don't get the one they want, but end up with the one they're supposed to be with.
Evelyn stared into the empty ice cream carton and wondered where the smiling girl in the school pictures had gone.
And her dumplings were so light they would float in the air and you'd have to catch 'em to eat 'em.
Keep climbing,' he told himself. 'Cheeseburgers,' his stomach replied. 'Shut up,' he thought. 'With fries,' his stomach complained.
Maddock stabbed his fried egg with his fork, and bright yellow yolk bled all over his plate like a sunshine hemorrhage.
That's why you can't be a true Yankee without winter: because all the best pleasures are earned - the fire, the fried oysters; the warmer seasons, too. Who knows the real worth of summer at the beach without a good taste of the seaside in winter?
Nothing had changed in my routine, except that when I went down the chippy and got me special fried rice, it would be wrapped in a newspaper that had my picture all over it.
You know what Disneyland is known for? The Big Turkey Leg. People walk around with enormous deep-fried turkey legs. Like little kids, three-year-old kids eating these five-pound turkey legs.
For most teenage runners, the right foods means a varied diet, decreasing the amount of fat found in the typical American diet and replacing those calories with carbohydrates. Avoid saturated fats, such as those found in fried foods, and eat plenty o...
I love big shrimp, like Japanese botan shrimp and the meaty ones from Santa Barbara, Calif. In classic Japanese cooking, shrimp like these would be dropped into a broth or boiled as served with sushi. But I think boiling dilutes their great flavor, a...
I like refried beans. That's why I wanna try fried beans, because maybe they're just as good and we're just wasting time. You don't have to fry them again after all.
I'm still trying to re-create a Ray Charles concert that I heard when I was fifteen years old, and all my nerve endings were fried and transformed, and electricity shot through me.
I come from Yorkshire in England where we like to eat chip sandwiches - white bread, butter, tomato ketchup and big fat french fries cooked in beef dripping.
Idgie Threadgoode: I can't believe he swore on the Bible! Ruth: Well, if that judge had looked any closer, he'd have seen that it was a copy of Moby Dick.
Grady Kilgore: Ruth, I have to say. I believe Idgie's been a bad influence on you. Ruth: I agree!