Senior Ed Bloom: I caught an uncatchable fish.
Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: What can I get for you, good-lookin'? Touchdown Man at Deli Counter: Half pound of egg salad. Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: HALF POUND OF EGG SALAD, COMIN' UP! Touchdown Man at Deli Counter: Is it fresh? Randy 'The Ram' Robinson...
Going into a marriage,is like jumping into unknown river with a lot of fishes. It is better to study the characters of the fishes that habits the unknown river,before getting into it.When you get so encited to go into the unknown river because you lo...
When I fish, I stop thinking about anything else. But truth be told, if you want to declare victories, I can tell you the fish have won a lot more than I have. It's interesting that something with a brain the size of a fish's can outsmart us humans, ...
Otto: Nice fish, Ken. You know what Nietzsche said about animals? "They were God's second blunder." Ken: Well, you t-t-t-tell him from me that I kuh-kuh, I kuh-kuh...
There's a lot more responsibility at home, so a tour is like the opposite for me. It's like a breath of fresh air.
God always gives us a fresh start, it’s called today!
Peace is a fresh flower; when it's freshness and beauty touches heart, it will last forever.
Fuel is not sold in a forest, nor fish on a lake.
A fisherman never says his fish stink.
Fish and guests smell at three days old.
If you find no fish, you have to eat bread.
Different fields, different grasshoppers; different seas, different fish.
Fish and guests stink after three days.
To lie and eat fish demand a lot of skill.
Whenever possible, buy a fish whole. With tuna, this isn't practical; with smaller fish, it is.
Teach men how to fish, but also teach them how to preserve fish.
I can really fish - I've been fishing since I was a kid.
Otto: Avoid the green ones. They're not ripe yet.
Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.
I'm interested in raw land and trees and fresh air and rivers and lots of animals around them.