It is my great good luck the words I use are English words, which means I live in a very old nation of open borders; a rich, deep, multi-layered, promiscuous universe, infused with Latin, German, French, Greek, Arabic and countless other tongues.
Kilmartin wrote a highly amusing and illuminating account of his experience as a Proust revisionist, which appeared in the first issue of Ben Sonnenberg's quarterly in the autumn of 1981. The essay opened with a kind of encouragement: 'There used to ...
I am not a great French woman. George Sand, Marguerite Duras and Simone de Beauvoir are great French women.
It was announced as a French victory by the French Minister of War. I did not see any sign of victory but only the retreat of the French forces engaged in the battle.
Bookie Harassed by French: I'm in the hole, I pay him two grand a week. There's no profit, I pay him two grand a week. Mr. French: Well make more fuckin' money. This is America. You don't make money, then you're a fuckin' douchebag. [pulls out gun] M...
Frank Costello: [talking about Costigan] Do you trust him? Mr. French: Well these days, who's reliable? Frank Costello: His uncle Jackie was. Yeah, you can't trust a guy acts like he's got nothing to lose. Mr. French: I'm reliable. Frank Costello: Ar...
French name, English accent, American school. Anna confused.
French fries. I love them. Some people are chocolate and sweets people. I love French fries. That and caviar.
Isn't this Michigan?" She laughed, "Oh oui monsieur, but the French came to Paradis more than cent ans...a hundred years ago." "And they still speak French?" "But we are French." "Aren’t you American?" She shrugged, "No one truly conquers the Frenc...
I'd always been extremely fascinated by the French Nuit Blanche, which is a weekend that they have in Paris where they keep all the museums open until dawn. You can go and hang out in Versailles in the middle of the night and watch the sun come up.
French women have been made beautiful by the French people - they're very aware of their bodies, the way they move and speak, they're very confident of their sexuality. French society's made them like that.
In French culture, the best way of buying time or getting off the hook entirely in a thorny personal situation is to claim that it’s complicated. The French did not invent love, but they did invent romance, so they’ve had more time than any other...
You’ll be reading the breakfast menu without me before you know it.” Hmm, maybe I don’t want to learn French
When you set a play in the French Quarter in New Orleans, it's hard not to acknowledge the whole African-American, French, white mixing of races. That's what the French Quarter is: it's a Creole community.
French fries kill more people than guns and sharks, yet nobody's afraid of French fries.
My way of remaining French was the financing scheme I used for Quest for Fire, with Fox funds, since it started as a 100% American production. The film was not in French and yet was French in style, reflecting my personality.
I'm always fetishizing the French woman and French taste and style. My assistant will make fun of me because every time we're picking the direction of a collection, I say the same thing: 'I want it to be really French.'
Lund: Now, what can I do you for Mr. French? French: How can I lay a hold of them Soggy Bottom Boys? Lund: Soggy Bottom? I don't precisely recollect them. French: They cut a record in here a few days ago, was an old-timey harmony thing with a guitar ...
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look? French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types. King Arthur: What are you then? French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king? Sir Galahad: What are you do...
Speaking French is no proof of intelligence.
It wasn’t playing both sides of the fence – it was betting against yourself but still playing to win – and it encapsulated everything absurd and paradoxical that I loved about the French.