The Latin musical tradition is very rich and gives the singer a lot of freedom to explore a range of.
Slavery and freedom cannot exist together.
I started skydiving because I loved the idea of freedom.
Without democracy there is no freedom. Violence, no matter who is using it, is always reactionary.
If a jerk burns the flag, America is not threatened, democracy is not under siege, freedom is not at risk.
We will not waver; we will not tire; we will not falter, and we will not fail. Peace and Freedom will prevail.
Younger workers should have more freedom to build their retirement nest egg.
Every time you pass a law, it is a little bite out of freedom.
I don't like freedom jazz - I think it's void of roots and void of foundation.
Freedom and responsibility aren't interconnected things. They are the same thing.
The closer Iraq approaches freedom and democracy, the more impediments and barriers the terrorists will erect.
Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of discussion, dissent, and debate.
Responsibility and respect of others and their religious beliefs are also part of freedom.
The only thing money gives you is the freedom of not worrying about money.
You have to dance unencumbered. There's no other way to move. The idea of dance is freedom. It is not exclusiveness, it's inclusiveness.
Freedom without rules doesn't work. And communities do not work unless they are regulated by etiquette.
The joyful heart sees and reads the world with a sense of freedom and graciousness.
I like repressed characters. That gives me a lot of freedom to make a lot of different choices through subtleties.
To newspapers and publishing houses I urge the use of fact over fiction, freedom of the press, and responsibility at all times.
Freedom - an occupied space which must be reoccupied every day.
Freedom is coming to mean little more than the right to ask permission.