Religion is doing; a man does not merely think his religion or feel it, he lives his religion as much as he is able, otherwise it is not religion but fantasy or philosophy.
Religion cannot and should not be replaced by atheism. Religion needs to go away and not be replaced by anything. Atheism is not a religion. It's the absence of religion, and that's a wonderful thing.
I believe in God and not religion, because I believe religion is the double cross. Because I've been double crossed by three religions, so I think I can safely say that religion - there is maybe something wrong with religion. Every temple that's put ...
Grace does not work like a penny in a slot machine. Grace will move you only when you want it to move you, and only when you let it move you. The supernatural order supposes the freedom of the natural order, but it does not destroy it.
There is yet another class that, having found that their own religion not only prevents free thinking but that some of its philosophies are also against some basic social, economic and scientific concepts of life as required by the progressive societ...
The freedom now desired by many is not freedom to do and dare but freedom from care and worry.
I fight, and have fought, for political freedom, for justice and for fairness and freedom of speech.
There is more than one kind of freedom," said Aunt Lydia. "Freedom to and freedom from. In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from. Don't underrate it.
Civil religion is the attempt to empower religion, not for the good of religion, but for the creation of the citizen.
All Americans value the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press, and I believe this is essential for our continued way of life. But with this freedom comes responsibility.
Don't exercise your freedom of speech until you have exercised your freedom of thought.
There can be no real freedom without the freedom to fail.
The freedom of the press works in such a way that there is not much freedom from it.
The fifth freedom is freedom from ignorance.
It isn't freedom from. It's freedom to.
If organized religion is the opium of the masses, then disorganized religion is the marijuana of the lunatic fringe.
A hymn for freedom; without border barriers and barbed wire fences. A hymn for freedom; without astute words. A hymn for freedom; without wars of every man against every man. A hymn to freedom; at any time and any place, because only freedom will set...
Freedom is about a way of thinking. Freedom is about understanding that you can do anything that you want and freedom is about being able to take information and education and make it relevant to your own growth every single day. Freedom is not stayi...
I realize that what happened in Bosnia could happen anywhere in the world, particularly in places that are diverse and have a history of conflict. It only takes bad leadership for a country to go up in flames, for people of different ethnicity, color...
The atheist, agnostic, or secularist ... should guard against the encroachment of religion in areas where it has no place, and in particular the control of education by religious authority. The attempts to ban the teaching of evolution or other scien...
Religion has become so many different things. Religion is an economic thing for some people. Religion is a gun.