I went through a lot of phases and studied many religions. I am not into religion, I am spiritual.
I studied English literature; I took 2 independent religion classes, but I wasn't a religion major really.
A religion that takes no account of practical affairs and does not help to solve them is no religion.
Religion is a matter of the heart. No physical inconvenience can warrant abandonment of one's own religion.
Religion doesn't make people bigots. People are bigots and they use religion to justify their ideology.
One of Dawkins' major gripes is against religion. I am in total agreement on that one. I abhor religion.
To fill a world with religion, or religions of the Abrahamic kind, is like littering the streets with loaded guns. Do not be surprised if they are used.
In reality, both religion and science are expressions of man's uncertainty. Perhaps the paradox is that certainty, whether it be in science or religion, is dangerous.
That which we call the Hindu religion is really the Eternal religion because it embraces all others.
I never thought of myself as a writer about religion until a religion came after me.
Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is.
The inhabitants of the earth are of two sorts: those with brains, but no religion, and those with religion, but no brains.
Freedom without responsibility? What freedom is that? None at all.
The secret of happiness is freedom, the secret of freedom is courage.
Life is full of choices. Your choice is your true freedom.
Your true freedom is making your own decisions.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.
Enjoy your freedom today, leave the regret for tomorrow.
Happiness without freedom, or freedom without happiness. There was no third alternative.
I think there's some connection between absolute discipline and absolute freedom.
Whenever regulation increases, personal freedom decreases.