In today's time, writing stuff that actually happened is touch-and-go, because you don't want to be too personal. If you are, then it probably won't relate to a mass audience. A lot of times you have to make it sound like it's about everybody else, b...
Also there's two sides of it, I mean, a band like us, at our level and the way we have to promote ourselves and usually radio just completely turns their back on us, at the same time I think Mp3s help promote us somewhat, spreading the word about the...
I'm not to eager to play tennis in my spare time. I'm more interested in doing gym work and stuff like that. We have a lot of schools and courts around where I live, so if I really want to play, I don't need to go too far.
When I turned 59, I looked at that as the first day of my 60th year, so I've been 60 for the last 365 days, in my opinion. So I've been thinking all this year, I'm 60 - this is the time when I need to get some stuff done.
I always used to travel without a passport case, and because of it I think I'm four passports in. I bought this small Tumi case to protect my new one, and it works really well, not just for protecting it but also for keeping credit cards and small st...
Chunk: whats all the stuff in the attic? Mikey: It has something to do with my dad being the assistant curly, curny. Brandon Walsh: [smacking Mikey on the back of the head] Curator. Mikey: That's what I said.
Walt Kowalski: Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone.
Linnie McCallister: Listen, Kevin, what are you so worried about? You know Mom's gonna pack your stuff anyway. You're what the French call "les incompetents". Kevin McCallister: What?
Isaac Davis: The steel cube was brilliant? Mary Wilke: Yes. To me it was very textual, you know what I mean? It was perfectly integrated, and it had a marvelous kind of negative capability. The rest of the stuff downstairs was bullshit.
Remigio da Varagine: In the twelve years I have lived here, I have done nothing but stuff my belly, shag my wick, and squeeze the hungry peasants for tithes!
Joe Minaldi: [inspecting diamonds through a loupe] Any trouble? Patrick 'Patsy' Goldberg: No trouble. Kid stuff. [Pulls out a gun and shoots Joe in the eye through the loupe]
Alan Johnson: Hannah, Charlie is a superhero from outer space that stuffs the front of his tights with a sock. Dental Hygienist: [in fake accent] You are very nice.
Alan Shepard: Dear Lord, please don't let me fuck up. Gordon Cooper: I didn't quite copy that. Say again, please. Alan Shepard: I said everything's A-OK.
Gus Grissom: How ya doin', miss? Lady Bartender: So-so. How you doin'? Gus Grissom: I'm not doin' it any more. The damn thing's draggin' in the mud and I can't get it up.
Gordon Cooper: You boys know what makes this bird go up? FUNDING makes this bird go up. Gus Grissom: He's right. No bucks, no Buck Rogers.
Jack Ridley: [showing Life Magazine cover with astronaut chimp] There he is, Captain Ham! Does he look like the kind of fella that would put doo doo in the capsule?
[about Yeager's bruised ribs] Jack Ridley: How bad did you ding 'em? Chuck Yeager: Well, you might say as I broke a couple of the sons-o'-bitches.
Pancho Barnes: Why Yeager, you old bastard. Don't just stand there like some lonesome god-damn mouse-shit sheepherder. Get your ass over here and have a drink.
Liaison Man: You mean for this "space race", you don't want our best pilots? Recruiter: I didn't say that. We want the best pilots that we can get.
Jeff: [shivering as cold alcohol is poured on his back before a rubdown] Say, don't you ever heat that stuff up? Stella: Aw, it gives your system something to fight against.
[Della Bea has just discovered Ray's drug problem] Della Bea Robinson: That stuff kills people, Ray. Now you've gotta stop it. Ray Charles: I don't have to do a *goddamn* thing!