I enjoyed art in school. I've always done little drawings and stuff like that. I don't really know what I'm doing with the painting, but I experiment.
I like to mix pieces in my art direction from the '60s or the '40s and the '90s and present-day stuff. To me, that feels very real. When I go into people's houses, it's not all today.
I don't like a lot of the stuff that goes on in the art world, but it's hard to be old and like what goes on around you.
I worked my way through art school as an auto mechanic, doing various stuff including sanding bodywork and using Bondo filler.
I got into underground comics fairly early on and kind of wandered away from the superhero stuff, but I was an art student and I was drawing a lot as a kid.
Art is about imagination. When you look at a picture from Salvador Dali, that's about imagination. When you look at Picasso, that's about imagination. Doing stuff from your heart.
It's funny now how much we look at - whatever you want to call it: art, design, culture stuff, film - online, and how in the online world, you're instantly global.
But as long as you're creating the art you want to create, if people start liking you, you shouldn't have to apologize. You want your stuff to be heard by as many people as possible.
We are cutting things kids like-music, art, and gym classes; stuff that kept me in school. This country can't survive without you kids. It's all about you kids.
College mostly makes people like bladders— just good for nothing but t’ hold the stuff as is poured into ‘em.
I would shake your hand, but I’m kind of in the middle of killing stuff at the moment.
Oh Christ, he groaned to himself, if this is the stuff adults have to think about I never want to grow up
Yesterday is gone and you can't change it. There are no guarantees for tomorrow, so save it. The best stuff is now, so live today and don't dare waste it.
People should be more careful about what they read to their kids,” Park said. “Some of this stuff sounds dangerous.
Ale, man, Ale's the stuff to drink, for fellows whom it hurts to think.
In real life I do violence, but for psychic stuff I do other things better.
it´s just...today has really sucked, and when you´re around stuff doesn´t seem so crappy - Will
Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the wild stuff that happens along the way.
Oh, Major, you do so love to annoy, don't you?" "It is the stuff of living, my lady.
And-he was ashamed to admit--he had been known to carry off the occasional roll of duct tape. That stuff could be used for everything.
I am not interested in releasing best of stuff and I have not given my permission. You release best of packages when you're a has-been and have nothing new to offer.