The West wanted to avoid an Islamic state in Europe.
I have known uncertainty: a state unknown to the Greeks.
The kingdom of heaven in not a place but a state of mind.
Happiness is a state of mind, not the condition we find.
The State of Israel can be proud of what we're doing.
Occasionally the state of the planet can knock me off my perky perch.
The taxpayer group in every state is always - always referred to as nuts.
We are not naughty children, and the state is not our parent.
The monarchy is a part of the state. It exists to serve the people.
I reverted easily to my wild state, that is experimentation.
Happiness is an awareness, perception, feeling, and imagination. Happiness is a state of mind not a condition.
Smaller government, more individual responsibility, more individual control creates more Republicans. More state power and ownership and control and top-down decision-making creates more Democrats.
We thank thee for this opportunity to show our love for these heroes who have accomplished such wonders for the beloved United States, which was founded by noble and inspired men.
I don't think anyone can walk through the world in a state of vulnerability all the time, can they?
Kenny: Your mom just died!
Sam: My hair is blowing in the wind.
Singer: [from trailer] There's beauty in the breakdown.
Horatio: This bodes some strange eruption to our state.
There are moments when all anxiety and stated toil are becalmed in the infinite leisure and repose of nature.
It may be a mistake, that man, in a state of nature, is more disposed to cruelty than courtesy.
We are by nature observers, and thereby learners. That is our permanent state.