For so I created them free and free they must remain.
Free your mind and free yourself from brand slavery.
Handmade presents are scary because they reveal that you have too much free time.
Of course, there can be serious injustices within free societies.
The more you free your heart from sin, the more your heart is free to serve.
We live in a free world, so everyone can say whatever.
You marry out of free will. If I marry, it will be from a personal choice, not some social compulsion or norm.
Feeling guilty does not set us free. Being equipped sets us free.
You know, everybody believes in free speech until you start questioning them about it.
A free lunch doesn’t taste as good as a well earned dinner
Free will, determinism, meaning, existence, etc. are academic problems, not problems in life.
The political core of any movement for freedom in the society has to have the political imperative to protect free speech.
The Framers of the Constitution knew that free speech is the friend of change and revolution. But they also knew that it is always the deadliest enemy of tyranny.
The mob's not coming back in the Teamsters Union. We've gotten rid of them, and we're free to be free of government supervision.
I prefer for government to err toward less regulation, lower taxation, and free markets. And I'm a radical free trader.
Depending on your political orientation, the Dixie Chicks are either the great defenders of free speech or American traitors.
As you have fewer and fewer voices in a democracy, in a free society, it's not good to limit the number of voices.
To hear the Japanese plead for free trade is like hearing the word love on the lips of a harlot.
I think bolstering free trade is a boon to the dollar.
I live in a free country. And I have so much more than I need.
To live a stress free life, live in your love. Live in your bliss.