Restarting a musical isn't free.
The Internet allows me to be more free.
Be Free, The World is Waiting
Not only these were new kinds of stories, they were being told with a new kind of formal structure. [...] The result was a storytelling architecture you could picture as a colonnade - each episode a brick with its own solid, satisfying shape, but als...
The questions that we have to ask and to answer about that procession during this moment of transition are so important that they may well change the lives of men and women forever. For we have to ask ourselves, here and now, do we wish to join that ...
To create loving men, we must love males. Loving maleness is different from praising and rewarding males for living up to sexist-defined notions of male identity. Caring about men because of what they do for us is not the same as loving males for sim...
The central attitudes driving Rambo are: Strength and aggressiveness are good; compassion and conflict resolution are bad. Anything that could be even remotely associated with homosexuality, including walking away from possible violence or showing an...
In the silence punctuated only by their footsteps, both men thought not of themselves but of a Man who once made a long,lonely march up a hill, who in the world's worst hour did the most courageous thing ever done. At the end of His climb,He spread o...
Harmonica: I saw three of these dusters a short time ago, they were waiting for a train. Inside the dusters, there were three men. Cheyenne: So? Harmonica: Inside the men, there were three bullets. Cheyenne: That's a crazy story, Harmonica, for two r...
Men count up the faults of those who keep them waiting.
When two men quarrel, the one who yields first displays the nobler character.
The path of duty lies in what is near at hand, but men look for it in what is remote.
The path of duty lies in what is near at hand, but men seek for it in what is remote.
Men who watch their fortune grow find their houses too small.
I didn’t want any flowers, I only wanted To lie with my hands turned up and be utterly empty. How free it is, you have no idea how free—— The peacefulness is so big it dazes you, And it asks nothing, a name tag, a few trinkets. It is what the d...
The Mad Affliction's arm shot out of the cage, grasping for me. I jumped back. His long, ragged talons swiped the air in front of me. "Free me!" the Mad Affliction cried. He grasped for Bethany, but she backed away, too. "Free me and know the living ...
There are many different ways of approaching parenting as there are cultures. However, in non-industrialized cultures, the similarities are also striking. Extended nursing, co-sleeping, carrying the baby in close physical contact, responding promptly...
I’ve got hair in my mouth, because I replaced my teeth with my cat. This makes it more fun to pet my gums.
Respect doesn’t have to be shiny. It just needs to be wearable. Would you be so kind as to hold my jockstrap while I stir your hot coffee?
Sleeping in a tinfoil suit keeps me warmer and helps prepare me for my voyage to the moon. Would you care for some licorice?
I admire the Stanley Cup. I’ll bet winning it could provide enough clean water for half of Africa (the middle half).