Men would rather be starving and free than fed in bonds.
Whoever is for higher taxes, feel free to pay higher taxes.
The wealthiest Person on earth is one who is free from the love of Money
Don't oppress, don't accept to be oppressed and you will live free.
Happiness is a choice. Peace is a state of mind. Both are free!
Knowledge is free at the library. Just bring your own container.
There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
I'm not interested in celebrities, with their free dresses. I'm interested in clothes.
So the experts think we could have an AIDS-free generation in Africa by 2015, even if the mothers are positive.
Judges must be free from political intervention or intimidation.
Can a nation be free if it oppresses other nations? It cannot.
The American people are free to do exactly what they are told.
I'm free of all prejudices. I hate all people equally.
I contend that the strongest of all governments is that which is most free.
In the Sixties, fashion was about liberation. It was about setting women free; it wasn't about being unable to walk.
In any war, the first casualty is common sense, and the second is free and open discussion.
There have been only 268 of the past 3,421 years free of war.
God wants man to be His creature. Furthermore, He wants him to be His PARTNER. There is a causa Dei in the world. God wants light, not darkness. He wants cosmos, not chaos. He wants peace, not disorder. He wants man to administer and to receive justi...
The history of man proves that religion perverts man's concept of life and the universe, and has made him a cringing coward before the blind forces of nature. If you believe that there is a God; that man was 'created'; that he was forbidden to eat of...
Aber auch Glück ist anstrengend. Ich finde nichts frustrierender, als neben einer auserwählten Person zu liegen und das Bedürfnis zu haben, ihr so nah wie möglich zu sein. Man kann sich umarmen und verknoten, bis man schwarz wird, man hat immer d...
Spontaneously, without any theological training, I, a child, grasped the incompatibility of God and shit and thus came to question the basic thesis of Christian anthropology, namely that man was created in God's image. Either/or: either man was creat...