If you have to ask if you’ve done enough, you haven’t. Each day brings with it the opportunity to do more than you did yesterday.
While intent is the seed of manifestation, action is the water that nourishes the seed. Your actions must reflect your goals in order to achieve true success.
Scholars, theologians, and even poets have yet to be able to truly describe and touch upon the beauty, romance, and magic of a relationship built on 100% authenticity
You are beautiful. Your beauty, just like your capacity for life, happiness, and success, is immeasurable.
The time has come to harness the blessed power within us and to use it to transcend from our current existence into a more empowered reality.
Never question the power of one! Throughout history it has been the actions of only one person who has in inspired the movement of change.
I don't want my life to be defined by what is etched on a tombstone. I want it to be defined by what is etched in the lives and hearts of those I've touched.
Do not let another day go by where your dedication to other people's opinions is greater than your dedication to your own emotions!
You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.
It is important that we forgive ourselves for making mistakes. We need to learn from our errors and move on.
Don't be one of those who don't want others to be empowered. Share information. Try to make the next person, smarter.
Freedom is not free! The Almighty offers these gifts contingent upon our willingness to turn to Him as a nation. It is a covenant relationship. That covenant is in force today, and the rules still apply.
If you can dispense with reputation, then you are free from care. Reputation is only a visitor, but reality is here to stay.
I told her I hated normal people and the land of the fucking free and the home of the asshole brave, and I hated God and George and all and everything.
Vikrant : "I want to taste honey pot, You are shy, free yourself, like an animal, feel like an animal, they don't know sin. Do they?
The things I carry are my thoughts. That's it. They are the only weight. My thoughts determine whether I am free and light or burdened.
We be light, we be life, we be fire! We sing electric flame, we rumble underground wind, we dance heaven! Come be we and be free!
There are no free lunches in philosophy any more than in real life.
I see a broken shell and I remind myself that something might have needed setting free. See, broken things always have a story, don't they?
I sell yawns. So when you see me yawning, and you then yawn, just know that’s me giving you a free sample of my product.
There’s always a choice. That’s God’s way, always will be. Your will is still free. Do as you will. There’s no set of leg-irons on you. But... this is what God wants of you.